Saturday, September 12, 2020

Indian Ancient History Objective Type Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

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Indian Ancient History Objective Types Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams
Ancient History Multiple Choice Questions

Ancient History MCQs Questions Important for all Competitive exams | Indian Ancient History Objective Type Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams| History is an important part in the examinations 15 to 20 questions examiner ask in the examinations so you should have to read all the questions and do command in history, so you can crack the competitive exam. 

Q.1 Which among the following is India’s oldest dynasty?

(a) Maurya

(b) Gupta

(c) Vardhana

(d) Kushana

Answer : a


Q.2 The famous king of the Kushana dynasty was

(a) Kuvishka

(b) Kanishka

(c) Pushya

(d) Kamarupa

Answer : b


Q.3 In which ancient language were the jataka stories written?

(a) Pali

(b) Prakrit

(c) Sanskrit

(d) Tamil

Answer : a


Q.4 The name by with Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscription is

(a) Chakravarthi

(b) Dharmadeva

(c) Dharmakirti

(d) Priyadarsi

Answer : d

Q.5 Which is called the queen of Hill stations?

(a) Shimla

(b) Kodaikanal

(c) Kashmir

(d) Ootacamund / Mussoorie

Answer : d


Q.6 In which year the congress had declared Swaraj or self government as its final goal?

(a) 1905

(b) 1928

(c) 1942

(d) 1906

Answer : d


Q.7 In which year the Delhi durbar cancelled the partition of Bengal?

(a) 1909

(b) 1910

(c) 1911

(d) 1914

Answer : c


Q.8 The first sultan of Delhi was

(a) Qutb al-din Aibak

(b) Balban

(c) IIutmish

(d) Majammed Ghori

Answer : a


Q.9 Market regulation was introduced by

(a) IItutmish

(b) Balban

(c) Mohamud of Ghazni

(d) Alauddin Khilji

Answer : d


Q.10 Babur Name was written by

(a) Albaruni

(b) Abul Fazl

(c) Bana

(d) Babur

Answer : d


Q.11 Who was called as Indian Napoleon?

(a) Ashoka

(b) Bana

(c) Kanishka

(d) Samudhra Gupta

Answer : d

Q.12 Gandhara art was introduced during the reign of

(a) Harsha

(b) Ashoka

(c) Kanishka

(d) Chandra Gupta Maurya

Answer : c


Q.13 The Satavahanas ruled over

(a) Karnataka

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c) Kanchi

(d) Vijaya Nagar

Answer : b


Q.14 The great ruler of later cholas was

(a) Raja Raja Chola

(b) Rajendra Chola

(c) Karikala

(d) Kulothunga

Answer : d


Q.15 Battle of plassey was fought between

(a) French and English

(b) French and Indians

(c) English and Indians

(d) None of them

Answer : c

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