Thursday, August 27, 2020

Indian Polity Questions for Competitive Exams - PDF Download

Indian Polity Questions for Competitive Exams - PDF Download
Indian Polity and Constitution

Indian Polity is a discipline that includes a wide range of topics such as the development of the Constitution, Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, the Executive, the President, The Prime Minister & Council of Ministers, State Government, Local Government and Many more. In this post I will show you some important Indian Polity and Constitution Questions that asked many times in Competitive Examinations.

Question : The comptroller and auditor-general of India shall only be removed from be removed from office in like manner and on the like grounds as?

Answer : A judge of the supreme court


Question : Which bill cannot be returned for reconsideration to the parliament by the president?

Answer : Money bill


Question : Which article of the Indian constitution deals with the promotion of international peace and security?

Answer : Article 51


Question : The main duty of the speaker preacher Protem of Lok Sabha is?

Answer : To administer oath to the newly elected member of Lok Sabha


Question : Which part of the Indian Constitute deals with the emergency provisions’?

Answer : Part XVIII


Question : Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh carry the similar number of representatives in the Rajya Sabha. They are?

Answer : 11 members in each state


Question : Article 360 of the constitution of India deals with the provisions as to?

Answer : Financial emergency


Question : Which article of the constitution of India ensures the protection of life and personal liberty?

Answer : Article 21


Question : What does the ‘Hung Parliament’ mean?

Answer : A parliament in which no party has clear majority


Question : The vice president of Indian can be removed from the office?

Answer : By a resolution of the Rajya Sabha passed by a majority and agreed by the Lok Sabha


Question : Which article of the Indian constitution deals with the abolition or creation of legislative councils in states?

Answer : Article 169 


Question : The president of India is empowered to nominate not more than two Anglo-Indian members to the Lok Sabha under?

Answer : Article 331


Question : Which write literally means ’a command’?

Answer : Mandamus


Question : Which eminent constitutional expert called the preamble as the identity card of the constitution?

Answer : N. A. Palkhivala


Question : Article 1 to 4 part-1 of the Indian constitution deal with?

Answer : The union and its territory


Question : The fundamental rights are enshrined in part III of the Indian constitution from?

Answer : Articles 12 to 35

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