Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Indian History One Liner Questions and Answers

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Indian History One Liner Questions and Answers pdf download
History One Liner Questions

Question : Which is the largest mustard oil growing state?

Answer : U.P.


Question : Which religion was patronised by rashtrakutas?

Answer : Jainism


Question : Who first divided his empire into lqtas during the process of civil administration?

Answer : Iltutmish


Question : The write of mahabhasaya ‘patanjali’ was  a contemporary of which of India?

Answer : Dadabhai naoroji


Question : Which lady wrote a historical account during the Mughal period?

Answer : Gulbadan begam


Question : In india, in which sector was the co-operative movement initiated?

Answer : Agricultural credit


Question : By whom was the agitation against the partition of Bengal led?

Answer : Surendranath banerjee


Question : The silver of the gupta period were known by which name?

Answer : Rupyaka

Question : In which year was the third battle of Panipat fought?

Answer : 1761


Question : On the banks of which river were Alexander and porus involved in a grim battle?

Answer : Jhelum


Question : Where did alexander die?

Answer : Babylon


Question : Who was the most radia of the bhakti saints?

Answer : Kabir


Question : Which one of the chola kings conquered Ceylon?

Answer : Rajendra I


Question : In which year, the battle of buxar was fought?

Answer : 1764


Question : Which event was characterised by montague as  ‘preventive murder’?

Answer : Massacre of Jallianwala bagh


Question : When did Bahmani kingdom is south india extinguish?

Answer : In beginning of 16th century


Question : On which date was mahatma Gandhi assassinated?

Answer : 30-jan-48


Question : Of which kingdom was malik ambar the minister?

Answer : Ahmadnagar sultanate


Question : Who invited babar to invade india?

Answer : Alax khan, uncle of lbrahim lodhi


Question : Who was thrice elected president of the Indian national congress?

Answer : Dadabhai naoroji


Question : Sher shah died while fighting in which war?

Answer : Kalinjar

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