Sunday, August 30, 2020

Important History Questions and Answers for Competitive exams - pdf download

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Important History Questions and Answers for Competitive exams - pdf download
Indian History Questions

Important History Questions and Answers for Competitive exams - pdf download

Q.1 Which is the largest mustard oil growing state?

Ans : U.P.


Q.2 Which religion was patronised by rashtrakutas?

Ans : Jainism


Q.3 Of which kingdom was malik ambar the minister?

Ans : Ahmadnagar sultanate


Q.4 Sher shah died while fighting in which war?

Ans : Kalinjar


Q.5 By whom was the agitation against the partition of Bengal led?

Ans : Surendranath banerjee


Q.6 The silver of the gupta period were known by which name?

Ans : Rupyaka


Q.7 Who invited babar to invade india?

Ans : Alax khan, uncle of lbrahim lodhi


Q.8 Who was thrice elected president of the Indian national congress?

Ans : Dadabhai naoroji


Q.9 In which year was the third battle of Panipat fought?

Ans : 1761

Q.10 On the banks of which river were Alexander and porus involved in a grim battle?

Ans : Jhelum


Q.11 Who first divided his empire into lqtas during the process of civil administration?

Ans : Iltutmish


Q.12 By whom was general dyer who was responsible for Jallianwala bagh massacre was shot dead?

Ans : Udham singh


Q.13 Who was the fonder of the radha swami satsang?

Ans : Siva dayal sahib


Q.14 Who deserves the credit of contruction of lal quila?

Ans : Shahjahan


Q.15 The Governor General of Kolkata William became the Governor General of India under which Charter Act ?

Ans : Charter Act 1833


Q.16 In Indus valley, which one indicates the commercial and economic development?

Ans : Seals


Q.17 In the interim government formed in year 1946 who held the portfolio of defence?

Ans : Baldev singh


Q.18 Which was the most important factor in transforming ancient Indian society into feudal society?

Ans : Practice of land grants


Q.19 Who was the first general-secretary of the Indian national congress?

Ans : Dada Bhai Naoroji

Q.20 Megasthenes was an envoy of which king?

Ans : Seleucus


Q.21 By whom was nishat garden built?

Ans : Jahangir


Q.22 Which harappan site had a dock?

Ans : Lothal


Q.23 When was the monopoly of east India company in trade brought under the control of the british crown?

Ans : 1773 A.D.

Q.24 Which are tile earliest buddhist literature the deal with the stories of the various birth of buddha?

Ans : Jatakas


Q.25 Which ports handled the north Indian during the gupta period?

Ans : Broach

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